What is Masseter Botox (TMJ)?

The masseter is one of the muscles that helps you chew. It’s located on the side of your face and connects your cheekbone to your lower jawbone.

Injecting Botox (botulinum toxin) into the masseter muscle relieves jaw pain and lessens clenching or grinding that is linked to temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ). When a patient receives Botox treatment for TMJ-related symptoms, the muscle is relaxed, providing relief, and enhances jaw function.

Who is a Good Candidate for Botox for Masseter (TMJ)?

Good candidates for masseter Botox injections to treat TMJ typically include individuals who:

  • Experience jaw pain, tension, or dysfunction due to overactive or enlarged masseter muscles
  • Have symptoms that may include jaw clenching, teeth grinding, headaches, and difficulty with jaw movement
  • Are in overall good health and have a proper understanding of the procedure's potential benefits and limitations
  • Are looking for non-surgical solutions to improve their facial aesthetics (i.e., achieve a slimmer, defined jawline)
  • Have realistic expectations and understand that Masseter Botox will not change the skeletal structure of their jaw

A consultation with a qualified healthcare provider, such as a dentist, oral surgeon, or dermatologist, is crucial for a comprehensive assessment. They can determine whether Botox injections are a suitable treatment option based on the individual's specific TMJ condition and medical history.

How Does Botox for Masseter (TMJ) work?

Injecting Botox (botulinum toxin) into the masseter muscles, which control jaw movement, is how Botox for Masseter (TMJ) functions. These muscles become momentarily paralyzed by the substance, which lowers their tension and activity. This kind of relaxation lessens clenching, eases jaw pain, and lessens TMJ condition symptoms. A softer, less pronounced jawline results from the muscle's size decreasing as it weakens over time. TMJ treatment with Botox offers alleviation and better jaw function, making it a useful choice for treating the disorder and its symptoms.

The Botox for Masseter (TMJ) Procedure

During a Botox for Masseter (TMJ) procedure, a medical professional injects Botulinum toxin directly into the masseter muscles of the jaw. The injections are typically administered on both sides of the face. The treatment is minimally invasive, and results become noticeable over a few weeks as the muscle relaxes, and jaw pain diminishes.

Post-Care Treatment

Following a Botox for Masseter (TMJ) procedure, it's essential to adhere to post-care instructions for optimal results and safety:

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The injection process typically takes around 15-30 minutes.

Discomfort is usually minimal, with some injectors applying a topical numbing cream before the injections.

It may take a few days to a few weeks for the full effects to become noticeable as the muscle relaxes.

The effects of Botox for Masseter typically last around 3-6 months. Regular touch-up treatments may be needed to maintain results.

Possible side effects include mild bruising, swelling, or temporary muscle weakness. These effects are generally temporary.

Botox for Masseter (TMJ) Recap

MD Treatment Lounge

Treatment Length

15-30 minutes

MD Treatment Lounge

How Long Does Botox for Masseter (TMJ) Last?

3-6 months

MD Treatment Lounge

Discomfort Level


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Each individual’s treatment, results and/or discomfort level may vary based upon the circumstances, the patients’ specific situation, as well as the service provider’s judgment and only after further discussion of the patient’s specific situation, goals, risks and benefits and other relevant information. Results cannot be guaranteed.